Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Double Workout

In the first four months after changing what I was eating and my exercise I did everything to the letter, but then life happened.  No matter if I was tired, sick, or just didn't feel like working out I would do it anyway.  The weekend that my Grandma passed away I missed my first workout and since then I have probably missed 2 more. But this week I made up for the one that I missed.  Last Saturday I had a long busy day and even though I did get in my workout in the morning when Sunday came around I was just too tired to mess with it.  I told myself that one way or another I would make up the workout that I missed no matter what it would take and I did it.  Yesterday when I got home I did 2 rounds of my strength training, had dinner, and 30 minutes later I went out and mowed the yard.  I was worried that when I got up this morning I might be a little sore but I felt great!  Granted I didn't want to get out of bed, but that had nothing to do with how my body felt :-)

I'm getting to the point with my workouts that I'm wanting to try new things.  I have been losing weight over the past 5 months but I know that in order to keep up the numbers that I have had in the past I need to start trying new things.  I love working out on the recumbent bike because I can see how many calories I am burning, but sometimes it can be very time consuming.  My wonderful sister has a lot of workouts that look intimidating.  The great thing about them is they always have someone showing how to modify the workout so you are not doing too much.  I know that I am still heavy and I have to be careful what I do and do not need to do.  If I do something that messes up my knees I'm in trouble.  For now I kind of feel like if it's not broke then why change what I'm doing, but it's nice to be able to change up the workouts from time to time.

I am working on adding some better pictures but above I have added the first picture that was taken of me and the 2nd picture is my 5 month picture and 80 pounds less. 

It's hard to believe how much I have changed in just 5 months.  It's important to not get down on yourself and think "Why didn't I do this before!" because when I think about it I couldn't have done what I am doing now before.  I am the type of person that needs to have someone take me by the hand and show me how to do something, well sometimes :-).  People could tell me until they were blue in the face what I needed to do to lose the weight, but things did not click until my sister came over and showed me what I needed to do for exercise and laid out a plan for me to follow.  When it came to the things that I could eat she went though the book that explains Sugar Busters and gave me helpful information.  Since my sister had been following Sugar Busters for over a year she had found many recipes and foods that we could have and they would still be "legal" and still follow the food plan.  I even went to the grocery store with my sister so that she could show me the things she was telling me about.  It is easier to remember things when you have a mental picture of what they look like and where they are in the store.  It helped me tremendously. 

In every blog I'm going to try and tell something new that I have noticed in my body since I started losing weight.  The first thing that I wrote in my weight loss journal is the first time I noticed on July 1, 2011, after I had lost 52 pounds, that there was space between me and the steering wheel in my SUV.  Over the years it bothered me that when I would drive the steering wheel would always be against my stomach.  At times I felt like I was fighting between the car and my stomach! lol But now I am starting to feel like there is more and more room in the drivers seat then there was before and I love it!! It is the little changes that mean the most.


  1. What a phenomenal transformation! Way to go!

  2. Tremendous! I see you almost every day. I don't even remember the 1st picture of you lol. You look amazing. And you just glow! You are amazing.
